Always and Forever Your Biggest Fan

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Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by The Smetz Files

October 16th is a prominent day on the calendar for our family. On this day in 2015 we got the punch to the gut that Jay, an otherwise healthy 30 year old and former athlete, had suffered a series of strokes

Each year since his stroke, we celebrate his second chance at living. We celebrate his perseverance and determination as he continues to rehabilitate and maximize each moment. We celebrate God’s blessings and the gratitude we felt for the many acts of love our friends and family delivered during his subsequent recovery. 

He’s not active on social media, but each year, to mark the anniversary of this life changing event, Jay shares an inspirational moment. I share an excerpt of his post here:

Today is a day I celebrate. Today is a day I count my blessings. Today is a day I self-reflect. Today is a day that marks my 8th anniversary! Usually, I wouldn’t be so excited to wake up early on a Monday morning to kick start what are usually chaotic weeks in the Metzger household, but this Monday is different. Today is the anniversary of the series of strokes I suffered that flipped my life on its edge. I’m beyond blessed for the recovery. One that no longer shows any signs of physical ailment to the naked eye, but does come with occasional “behind the scenes” struggles with anxiety… constantly replaying that day in my head wondering, “What if that day turned out differently?” The doctors made it abundantly clear that it could have, but I’m beyond blessed it didn’t. While not a regular on social media, I do make a concerted effort to write a message for my followers as a moment of reflection… on a day that has had a monumental impact on my life. This years’ message is spearheaded by an exchange I had with my son.

G approached me one day and randomly asked me “Dad, do you regret any of your decisions in life?” For those of you who know G, you might not be surprised that these types of questions fly off the tip of his tongue regularly, but given the (relatively) recent events that have taken place in my life… I actually paused for a moment before replying. I honestly don’t know why he asked or what was going through his head when he fired this one off, but it felt ‘purposeful’… as if it wasn’t so much meant for me to answer him but for me to answer it for myself. While writing these annual posts usually brings tears to my face, I chuckle a little because this is typical G. He can’t comprehend the impact of his curiosity, but the question was the perfect one to ask at a time where it was needed most.

So G… to answer your question… for the world to see…

“There may be a few over the years, but I’m living life to its fullest, while I can… with you, your sister, and Mom as my ‘reasons’. I do the best that I can to control the controllables with our family in mind to put us in the best positions possible. The decisions have been plentiful, some of which you like and some of which you don’t, but they have always had our family at top of mind. They all haven’t gone according to plan, but that’s how life works. It isn’t scripted, and life will throw us curveballs by the dozen. I’ve faced my fair share, but we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow so I’m going to make the most of the moment! All that I ask of you (and your sister) is that you approach life with the prioritizations that won’t allow you to look back and make you think twice. I love you, bud!”

Jay Metzger, October 16, 2023

So today we toast you, that you are still making an impact each day. Cheers to your health, your happiness, and your continued commitment to living life to the fullest. I am always and forever your biggest fan Jay Metzger!

You can read more of Jay’s health journey in previous posts.

10 responses to “Always and Forever Your Biggest Fan”

    • Thanks! I’ve been a big fan of his since I first met him during his playing days! Thanks for reading!

  1. Wow. What a powerful story and the message he shared with G is beautiful. It is so important to not take life for granted, thank you for this reminder.

  2. I love the thoughts on life regrets /decisions. It doesn’t ever go according to plan but keeping priorities helps. Thanks for sharing this for this prominent day for you.