Coffee is a Love Language

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Last Updated on December 6, 2023 by The Smetz Files

I was scrolling Instagram and came across this post from Word Porn that said, ‘Making someone a cup of coffee is a love language.‘ and it made total sense to me. Knowing how someone takes their coffee is a deeply personal knowledge of them.

Frankly, I don’t know how baristas keep it all straight!

I saved this post initially because it made me think of my daughter who knows exactly how I like my coffee and most weekend mornings will make it unprompted, and bring it to me as I lounge in bed reading, scrolling, and slowly beginning my day (you know, those weekend mornings we aren’t at the ballfield or a gym meet at some unreasonably early hour!).

Check out the personalized notes that often accompany my daily cup of joe, what a love language!

It also made me think about making coffee for my mom growing up. As I recall my dad would get up and get coffee going while my brother and I got ready for school and my mother got ready for work. By the time us kids were dressed and in the kitchen, Dad would have made a cup of coffee and my brother and I took turns carefully walking it back to our parents’ room to give our Mother.

I distinctly remember when it was my turn, walking carefully, trying to steady my hand and keep the hot coffee from sloshing out as I made my way back to their bedroom. I would put it on the counter, hug my mother good morning, and scamper back to the kitchen to eat breakfast, while my mother called out a thank you as I rushed off. 


I don’t remember how that little morning tradition began (I do remember arguing with my brother about whose turn it was and my Dad saying, ‘whoever did it yesterday, it’s NOT your turn!’). Nor do I remember when my daughter first started doing this for me, but I love the unintended arc of tradition that carried forth.

Ironically, my daughter not only makes me coffee at home, but could easily walk into any Starbucks and order exactly what I wanted with no prompting! Beyond what that says about my over-reliance on coffee, what it also says is when we attend to the details of people’s food choices, it’s a love language, and I definitely feel the love in each cup of coffee my sweet girl brings each weekend!

What’s your ‘go-to’ morning beverage? Which person in your life could you make their cup of coffee?

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