Last Updated on June 23, 2024 by The Smetz Files
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Typing on a laptop
How The Smetz Files Came to Be
The impetus for The Smetz Files emerged as Jay and I planned a vacation for the two of us to relax, reset, and reconnect. My in laws graciously offered to take their grandchildren for a week’s vacation sans their parents (sweet deal for us parents!) which left us an entire week to ourselves. In full disclosure, pre-kids Jay and I enjoyed traveling, and while we never took an official honeymoon (it’s okay, we lived!), we traveled with friends and other couples over the years to get out and see the world. [Read this post to see where we went!]
While Jay searched for the perfect locale at an optimal cost, I hit the web scouring travel blogs and social media for the latest vacation must haves.
I have always enjoyed writing and in recent years my writing has been education research focused, but I found myself immersed in the conversational tone of the blogs and social media posts.
I was captivated by their personal nature and quickly found I could read several to learn more, see more, and just feel, well…connected.
Purpose for Writing
Recently I have focused on professional writing, related to education and teaching. However, in terms of personal writing, when the kids were born I created an email account [Emailing the Next Generation] just for them where I would write to them about specific memories and anecdotes I didn’t want to forget with the intent that when they are older I would give them access and they can read about their childhood from my perspective. I shared the account with their grandparents so they, too, can write to them.
This is a 21st century idea based on a graduation gift my dad gave me (technically it was last century, but let’s not get too focused on that!). When I graduated from high school my dad gave me a book, a compilation of notes, quick thoughts, memories, and pictures he curated over the years of my growing up. He printed it and it is something I have treasured and reread over the years, and I wanted to continue the tradition for my kids.
Again, a way to feel connected to past memories and record them for future recollection.
Back to the Research
So, all my ‘research’ on travel and lifestyle bloggers got me thinking about a return to personal writing. Stylistically, what was it about their posts that had me hooked?
All of my midnight scrolling and reading made me realize I was looking for connection and to some degree affirmation.
I wanted to relate to others who were experiencing something similar, could offer insight to something I wanted to do, or to entertain me in my moments of insomnia and save me from doom scrolling (who amongst has not reached for your phone in the middle of the night to quiet the noise in our minds?).
As Jay and I talked further about our vacation plans I casually mentioned a few blogs I read. He seemed interested.
So I shared a couple and he said, ‘why don’t you start a blog?’ To which I responded, ‘ I was thinking of trying it, but wondered what I’d share that was interesting.’
I guess the saying is true, great minds think alike?! Or perhaps it’s too soon to know!
Get familiar with how The Smetz Files is organized!
My Attempt
So, here’s my attempt to reestablish my personal writing. You won’t find any great cooking tips or expert advice (I keep my kids fed and some days that’s a monumental win!).
You won’t find any trendy style tips, I’m a 40 something mom, living and working in a small town, who sometimes gets dressed up for a dinner out or to go to church, typically my only deviation from the athleisure threads. You can find some of my favorite things here – Tap to Shop!
From the mundane moments to the frenetic family life, these are my takes on my life experiences.
My hope is The Smetz Files will resonate with you; that you will find yourself groaning and rolling your eyes in solidarity.
You’ll laugh silently at my antics (I know you’re midnight scrolling while your household sleeps!). And I’m hopeful you’ll nod vigorously at the similarities to your experiences.
But most importantly, I hope you will feel seen as you navigate your own daily challenges and celebrations.
Thank you for going on this journey with me. I can’t wait to see how this develops. I would love to hear from you, learn your thoughts and insights, and celebrate in this digital space.
With gratitude,
PS – let’s connect!
Find the Smetz Files on Pinterest and Instagram
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Cheers & happy reading! 🙂

One response to “Hello, World! How My Personal Blog Came to Be”
[…] I wrote in my introduction, a major reason for my blogging and starting The Smetz Files was to share personal stories and how […]