Invest in Yourself: Get 1% Better Everyday

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Last Updated on October 10, 2024 by The Smetz Files

There’s a message on the whiteboard in our home office. It’s a simple statement really. Get 1% better today.

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Simple, yet this short sentence packs a lot of punch!

When you stop and really consider the underlying question, what did you do to get 1% better today, it may be slightly more complicated.

Quote in cursive: get 1% better every day

Get 1% better everyday is such a common message, our kids added it to the command central board in the kitchen where the daily schedule keeps us all organized!

We’re working parents, raising tweens who are active in sports, church, and social activities. Most afternoons and evenings it feels like I live in the car getting them from one place to the next. So, it’s easy to get set on autopilot and not slow down and think about what I’m doing to work towards bettering myself.

I read recently investing in yourself needs to be a priority. It made me think about the quote, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

The idea of investing in myself can sometimes feel like just one more thing to add to my ‘to do’ list. See above paragraph about being on autopilot raising kids!

But, what I’ve come to realize, investing in me is as simple and yet, luxurious as sleeping in one morning. I love to sleep in and it feels so good when the opportunity presents itself!

Here are a few things that help me work towards getting 1% better each day.

Work out

A year ago, I made a concerted effort to work out more consistently to improve my strength and invest in my long term health. Working towards consistent healthy habits has been a slow, steady process. I chose a fitness program I can do at home so I would consistently work out and get 1% better each day.

One of the best parts of working out is it’s something I can do with my kiddos. They’re both active athletes working to develop their strength and sharpen their skills. We’ve had a lot of fun doing developmentally appropriate strength and conditioning exercises to protect their bodies as they grow in their sports.

Get outside

One way I consistently invest in myself is to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. We walk Bronx, our family’s beloved German Shepherd, around the trails in our neighborhood each day. It’s a nice break from the grind and a simple, quiet way for us to reconnect and recenter.

After a busy summer of travel and youth sports, we re-landscaped our neglected yard. It was hard work, but we felt accomplished for digging in and doing it together. Being outside and productive felt great!

When we’re at the beach, we spend as much time outside as possible. I love riding bikes around the island, going for walks on the sand, and swimming. It just feels good to slow down and enjoy time outdoors when we’re on the island.

Read and write

I grew up as a reader. My family would spend leisurely afternoons reading. When we packed for trips, we took a separate bag for all the books we wanted to read. I still do that! So, one way I choose to invest in myself is reading.

I especially love mysteries and legal thrillers and can easily get lost in a book and read until the early morning hours, not wanting to put it down until I read one. More. Chapter!

Related to reading, I use writing as a way to invest in myself.

Part of my blog, my simple musings, is to make sense of my mom experiences and life in general. Getting 1% better each day took new meaning when I was learning how to develop a website, maintain social media, and share my writing with the world. It was often very intimidating, but has been a great outlet for me to invest in myself and continue to gradually improve over time.

Improvement over time

We talk to the kids a lot about consistent effort and how that leads to improvement over time. It applies to many aspects.

Studying a little bit each day is better than cramming the night before a test.

Hitting off the T 20 minutes each day is better than two hours of work once a week.

Eating well and good sleep habits consistently are better than trying to compensate the day before games.

And, investing in yourself a little bit each day beats running yourself ragged. That last one is a reminder for me!

Thanks for reading my simple musings of a small town mom! Follow The Smetz Files on social media and let’s connect!

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