Yoga: Three Reasons to Practice

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Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by The Smetz Files

As a teenager I dabbled in Pilates and yoga with my mom. It was a relatively easy exercise to me in my younger years when I was ahem, a bit more flexible. 🙂 And with my scoliosis I had always been encouraged to maintain a strong core to support my back and hips.

As I’ve aged I continued to find ways to incorporate yoga, though admittedly more consistently at some times than others, into my healthy habits. I loved prenatal yoga when I was pregnant with both kids and really feel like it helped me stay centered during natural childbirth.

Now into my forties, I find I’m less flexible and need to stretch and practice yoga to feel less stressed and tight. I’ve always been intimidated working out in gyms, but I love accessing yoga at home and streaming different workouts. Currently my fitness plan includes BODi workouts, many of which incorporate elements of yoga and Pilates.

Below I highlight three reasons I love yoga (and I hope you will, too!).

Intentionally Slowing Down

At this stage in life I am the unofficial coordinator of the chaos and my mind frequently resembles a computer with too many tabs open! I’m sure I’m not alone in this feeling of being constantly mentally stimulated.

When I’m practicing yoga I am more apt to let my mind quiet and settle. And perhaps most importantly, I’m more easily able to transfer that calm to the rest of my day…most times! I’m still a work in progress.

In my frantic desire to get everything done, I’m guilty of quickly skipping through tasks to get to the next item on my list, but yoga helps me counter defaulting to that frenzied state.

Collaborative Practice

I spend a lot of time with my kids at various sporting events. While that is wonderfully exciting, often times I don’t have the requisite skill to practice with them. One way we can enjoy active time together is through yoga.

Like my mom and I connected with yoga years ago when I was a teen, S will often join me in a session if she’s home. We’ve even done yoga at church with friends when it’s offered.

Word of caution here, as a former gymnast S is insanely flexible and strong. She can hold poses in ways I don’t dream of anymore! So, when I practice yoga with her there’s often some good natured banter about my being ‘old’ and listening to her say, ‘watch this, Mom. Can you do this?’ To which the answer is always, ‘most certainly not! But I could do it twenty years ago?’ What can I say, the competition is strong at our house!

Practice on the Go

Finally, one of the best parts of yoga is I can practice it anywhere! This comes in handy when we’re traveling or spending time at our second home on the NC coast. In fact, I’ve connected with local yoga studios in Ocean Isle Beach who have beach yoga sessions for tourists and vacationers.

The ability to be able to practice anywhere helps alleviate my consistency issues. I am way too apt to put off exercise, especially when I’m out of my normal routine. For the most part if I have my iPad and a towel, I can usually find space to get some work in.

So, what are the reasons you prefer your method of exercise? What else should I try to broaden my perspective? PS I’m a total creature of habit, but am completely open to hearing your suggestions! Let me know in the comments.