Last Updated on August 8, 2024 by The Smetz Files
Three ideas I use to help my kids transition from summer to a new school year.
It’s hard to believe it’s mid August and in just under two weeks we’ll be battling alarms, packing lunches, and adding homework time to our nightly routines. Back in the winter I wrote about using a ‘week at a glance’ calendar to keep our family organized. [See When It Works] Throughout summer that board was gleefully empty!
This year will be a new challenge because I’ll have one kid in middle school and one in elementary school. Different schools, different schedules, and lots of transition.
While I love the structure of the school year and the kids are eager to see classmates after summer break, I wonder what your back to school routine entails. Here are few key things I endeavor to do to start the school year successfully:
Shop and organize
My kids are upper elementary and middle school aged and our school sends out supply lists based on each grade level’s needs. Of course, when I grew up my grandmother took us shopping and let us walk up and down the aisles, following behind us as we tossed desired items in the cart.
We do a version of this with our kids, with a list in hand, and then stop on the way home for a quick treat. I always opt to pick up more than requested wipes and tissues, because I know teachers can never have too many! We also use online shopping to get the random items our store is out of and to see if teachers have an online wish list for recess equipment or books for their classroom libraries. When they came home on the last day of school back in June we organized the supplies they brought home, so hopefully we can reuse a few items.
Another tradition our family has is to buy new shoes for the beginning of school. This is a need this year because we sent G to Disney with tennis shoes that were too small! Regardless, both kids get a new pair of sneakers to start the school year in style.
Shop some of my favorites!
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Gradually reintroduce routines
I love the freedom summer represents. We definitely get lax with bedtimes and as the summer wears on, bedtime gets later. I love to sleep in and have a leisurely morning, so late bedtimes are a tough habit to break cold turkey, especially when that alarm comes so early for school! This is one we gradually try to adjust in the two weeks or so before school starts. Our kids begrudgingly try to go to bed a few minutes earlier each night until we’re closer back to normal.
All summer they’ve grazed, snacked periodically throughout the day, and generally eaten at irregular times. So, adjusting to making lunches, planning healthy snacks, and keeping their water bottles clean is another routine we rely on in the week leading up to the start of school.
Set expectations
This is more about being intentional and having conversations with the kids about being kind and setting goals for the year. We talk through establishing good work habits, being respectful and helpful to school staff and looking for ways to be inclusive to new students. This is also a good time for us to listen to the kids and hear what they might be anxious or concerned about and to hear what they’re most looking forward to. While it’s an exciting time, there are parts that can be overwhelming (e.g. looking for your new classroom) and it’s good to check in with both kiddos to see how they’re feeling about the year.
What helps you get your kids’ school year started off a successful path? Let me know!
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