Parenting – The Eternal Job

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Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by The Smetz Files

In this post I reflect on the hard work and eternal job of parenting.

Back in the summer, as we were preparing for one final trip to the beach before school started, my dad texted me. His text read, ‘be safe, have fun, wear sunscreen’.

You guys, I’m 40 and my dad still parents me! I’m a fully functioning adult (most days!) with two kids, a career, a mortgage, and all the responsibilities of adulting. It got me thinking how this parenting gig is the job that never ends.

I was speaking with a colleague and dear friend recently, whom I deeply respect and admire. Our conversation turned to the eternal job of parenting. She has adult children; she even has a lovely granddaughter. And yet, she still feels the importance of monitoring their health and wellbeing. We jokingly said parenting is the hardest, most rewarding, most exhausting, never ending job.

Part of the impetus for me starting to blog was to reflect on my simple musings, mostly centered around my mom experiences. In some ways I wanted to preserve the funny anecdotes of my kids’ childhoods. I wanted to reflect on my shortcomings and how I wish I had done things differently upon reflection. Moreover, I wanted to connect with fellow parents in this shared experience of raising kids and all that entails from the triumphs to the challenges, and everything in between.

My friend and I  discussed the shared experience of parenting and how uniquely different it is raising multiple children. They are after all, different human beings with differing interests, talents, and fears. She helped me see that the little missteps that I find so frustrating are inevitable, and that showing up for my kids in what feels like the little ways are really big from my kids’ perspectives. It was a great reminder that the sometimes monotonous tasks are actually the foundation where they feel most supported.

Sometimes I relish that I’m the chosen one for my kids. Sometimes that is beyond exhausting. But I am always in awe that this never ending job was bestowed upon me and I get to do it with my trusty sidekick!