Mommin’ Ain’t Easy

Sharing is caring!

Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by The Smetz Files

Here’s the thing, this mom gig, it’s not easy! Years ago I saw a graphic tee shirt in a local boutique that said, ‘Mommin’ ain’t easy’ I so wish I bought it. I’d rock it and high five each mom I passed in solidarity!

They say comparison is the thief of all joy and social media sure doesn’t help if you’re feeling a little off your mom game. I never have been and never will be the crafty, Pinterest mom. I am envious of moms who are crafty and creative, it’s just simply not in my DNA. There are days I do a load of laundry, work my job, and pick up my kids on time…and that’s a great success! 

Let me tell you, regardless of where you are in your mom journey, we should purposefully congratulate each other on a job well done. This point was made clear to me recently.

Shout out to those that make it happen

This past weekend G played in a baseball tournament out of state. It was his first tournament with his new team and it was a fun two days. The guys played well, they gelled as a team, and the families were all great fun! 

After the championship game, as the two finalist teams were gathered taking pictures, a mom from the opposing team sought me out. She approached me as a few of our team parents were congratulating each other on their son’s performances. What she said made my weekend.

Feeling seen

She said, ‘Excuse me. Are you 26’s mom?’

I timidly nodded my head, wondering what this could be about.

She went on to say, ‘You are raising a good boy. I loved him from the first pitch. He was kind, encouraging, and polite when he talked to our fans while he was on deck. You just need to know he’s a good kid and you’re doing a good job, mama.’

I was surprised. Not that I don’t expect all those things from G. I’ve written before how Jay and I endeavor for the kids to be kind and to be good humans. I was surprised that a mom sought me out after a game in which her kid’s team lost a tough game to my kid’s team. We are from different states. We live hours apart. Our paths will likely never cross again. But she took the time to ask G who his mom was, she found me after the game, and shared her praise. Talk about being gracious in defeat.

There are countless times I think about friends and family who are doing a good job at many things. But rarely do I purposefully name it for them. 

This mom’s intentional act of praising our efforts to raise a good human shocked me. But it also motivated me to pay it forward. I want others to feel the immense pride, the feeling of being seen for the often intangible efforts of parenting, and the sheer gratitude for her words of validation.


My blog centers on my simple musings, mostly around my mom experiences. I often write about my perfectly imperfect moments. I have connected with so many fellow moms, just doing our best each day. And that connection feels good. But we can do better. Who can you call, text, or tell today that you’re proud of their hard work?

Hugs mamas! Mommin’ ain’t easy, but we’re doing it!

PS G snapped the photo I used for this blog cover on the way to the game Saturday morning. It’s always my greatest gift to show up for my kids and I love that this is how he sees me.

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