Are Youth Sports Worth the Hype? One Sports Mom’s Perspective

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Last Updated on April 18, 2024 by The Smetz Files

Are you considering registering your kid for a youth sports league? Read to find out if it’s worth the hype.

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“Are youth sports worth it?”

I get asked this question frequently.

Full disclosure, I have two kids, ages 9 and 11, and we’re full blown into youth sports.

Spoiler alert: I think it’s worth it. Read to find out why!

If you’ve been reading The Smetz Files or follow my blog on social media it’s abundantly clear we are a sports loving family. From playing to spectating, we love it all!

The Smetz Files

A Little Context

My brother and I grew up playing rec sports in our small town and were raised in the heart of ACC basketball country. With family connections to the ‘Big 4’ we witnessed many ‘Battle of the Blues’ growing up!

Kids in football helmets

Jay and his twin grew up playing all manner of sports in their small New England town and are from a long legacy of die hard Penn State alums. Despite being a multi-sport athlete, Jay honed his craft in baseball and that served him well. Of all the sports we watch and teams we cheer for, baseball is our family’s favorite.

Naturally when G, our first born, came home from preschool declaring he was going to play soccer, we registered him with our small town youth sports league. And that was the beginning of the end of our casual, slow paced Saturdays. He was three years old. What can I say, it was good while it lasted!

Bad Rap?

Perhaps you’ve heard horror stories of obnoxious coaches. Or likely you’ve read about parents confronting umpires and referees and needing law enforcement to separate them. If you’re considering sports for your kids, you might be worried about being overscheduled, financially burdened, and family burn out.

I’ve seen the reels and memes depicting crazy sports parents and the insane situations of travel sports and ‘all in’ teams that require you sign the contract and commit your entire life to being part of the organization. I roll my eyes and laugh at the absurdity and at times, reality, of it all.

Are Youth Sports Worth the Hype?

I say yes, and here’s why.


Most athletes are extremely disciplined. Whether it’s maintaining their training regimen, eating well, or managing their time between studies and practice, playing sports involves routine.

Jay highlighted his time as a college and minor league baseball player when he went on the job market after his playing days were behind him. He leveraged the time management, discipline, and ability to prioritize as an advantage sports had given him that would set him apart in the corporate world.

We see the discipline sports teaches our tweens. Often they have to plan homework and school projects around practice and travel schedules. We discuss how to prioritize and use their time efficiently. We’ve had conversations with our kids about adequate rest, taking care of their bodies, and making good decisions that support their goals. Healthy habits are important now and as they age. All of these life skills are part of the discipline being an athlete teaches them.


As a mom I frequently worry about my kids’ psychological well being. I get concerned about too much pressure and handling big moments. Sports are a great way to develop confidence and learn how to manage high pressure situations.

The first time our daughter S took the floor at a gymnastics meet, I swear I didn’t breathe for her entire 30 second routine. I was worried for her. She’s our quiet, stoic child. But she walked out there and confidently nailed her routines. S left that meet with motivation and assurance to keep pursuing her goals.

Similarly, I still get anxious when either kid pitches. I want them to do well and handle the stress of pitching out of trouble. Any baseball or softball moms out there can probably relate!

They learned quickly that practice and preparation help them on the field. They are confident in the work they’ve put in and that’s cool to see. It’s also important to turn their challenges in competition into moments to learn and grow. Sports teach them how to navigate difficulty and keep working hard, even when you aren’t winning.


Friendships are a huge part of sports, for kids and parents alike. As you spend entire weekends on the sidelines cheering on your athletes, you develop bonds with the families in the trenches encouraging alongside you. There is wonderful camaraderie in sports.

Sports also teaches kids to make new friends outside their current circle. As our kids have gotten older, their teammates go to different schools and live in different areas of town, so they’ve expanded their friend group.

Learning how to be a good teammate and friend is another lesson kids pick up from playing sports. Knowing your role and what you contribute to the team is important and navigating those relationships are great things to learn.

Baseball teammates enjoying a game
Baseball teammates enjoying a game


Finally, playing sports is fun! It’s fun to go into competition with your friends and teammates. It’s awesome to see their hard work and discipline transfer from practice to games. And it’s fun to experience it as a family.

Our family loves to spend time on the diamond together, playing catch on the beach, or shooting hoops in the driveway. It’s just fun to be engaged together and foster their interests and talents.

We love going to college sporting events as spectators. Cheering on our favorite schools and their student-athletes is an awesome way to show the kids what’s possible, if that’s the path they choose.

Here’s the Deal

I’m not raising the next big star. And that’s okay! We didn’t sign up for tiny tots soccer all those years ago with the hopes of either kid earning a DI scholarship or going pro.

We signed up knowing we were sacrificing our weekend mornings (and entire weekends at some point!) to cheer them on as they worked with teammates to accomplish great things. We encourage our kids on their sports journeys to help them see what’s possible with some discipline, confidence, friendships, and fun.

Are youth sports worth all the hype?

I say yes.

Go for it! Play ball!

PS If you’ve taken the plunge and registered your kiddo for sports, check out these posts to help you show up prepared for the big game!

And most importantly, don’t forget yourself, Sports Moms! Get stocked up with all you need to be game day ready!

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So, are youth sports worth the hype? Let me know in the comments below!

Follow the Smetz Files for more Sports Mom adventures!

4 responses to “Are Youth Sports Worth the Hype? One Sports Mom’s Perspective”

  1. Absolutely, you’ve hit the nail right on the head! Embracing youth sports isn’t just about chasing a ball around a field; it’s a ticket to mastering the art of discipline. Good article.