Always and Forever Your Biggest Fan
In all things in life, I am your biggest fan
Life’s Celebrations and Taking Time to Maximize the Moment
Life’s celebrations
The Caregiver’s Perspective: A Continuation
Medical trauma from the caregiver’s perspective
Who I’m Following on Instagram (and why you should too!)
Accounts I’m following and why you should too!
Looking Forward to (almost) Fall
Three things to look forward to in fall
Attempting Minimalism: One Mom’s Effort to Live with Less
Unexpected benefits of decluttering
You Will See What You’re Looking For
Focus on the good
Weed Killer: A DIY Home Project Gone Right!
Using common household products
Six Month Review: Lessons I Learned and New Goals from my first Six Months Blogging
Reflections on the first six months of The Smetz Files
Cruisin’: My Reflections From Our Recent Cruise
Key takeaways from our recent cruise