Take a Minute: Why It’s Good to Step Back and Hit Pause

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Last Updated on December 11, 2023 by The Smetz Files

In this post I reflect on why it’s good to step back, reset, and take a minute to be present.

It’s been a minute.

I would love to tell you I’ve been off doing something magical, original, and awe-inspiring. But that’s not the case.

Truthfully, I’ve been living. The busyness of raising kids, working, and being a partner have been well, all consuming.

Perhaps you feel the same way.  

We’re teetering between the lingering days of winter and the emerging warmth of spring. Some days we’ve been outside well past bedtime soaking up some well deserved play with the kids. Other days we’ve been cuddled up, ready for bed as soon as dinner is cleared. 

Over the last few weeks I’ve connected with friends from various aspects of life and that has felt great.

Jay and I had a date night with another couple and it was so good to connect with fellow parents immersed in the rigor of life, making valiant attempts to balance the demands of professional and family responsibility. 

We had a family date with friends who are like family. For nearly twenty years we have shared life’s greatest adventures and deepest sorrows. We’ve celebrated weddings, the births of five babies collectively, and mourned together during health scares, job losses, and death.

It felt so good to laugh and reminisce and indulge our kids in stories from our past (the kid friendly versions!). We stayed up way too late, we ate way too many chips and salsa, but we laughed and loved hard. 

Resisting the Urge to Do it All

Recently a fellow mom said, ‘I just don’t know how you do it all.’ And my response was, ‘well, some days are prettier than others.’ That’s just it. Some days are magical, original, awe-inspiring. While others are not. 

So, when the demands of life are all consuming, I take a minute. I stop and reflect. I assess how grateful I am for where we are, what we have, and who we are striving to be. I am grateful for the opportunity to ‘do it all’ whatever that might be. 

Here’s to knowing when to take a minute. 

What does it look like for you to take a minute to reset and recalibrate?

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