Who I’m Following: Educator Friendly Accounts on Social Media

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Last Updated on December 11, 2023 by The Smetz Files

This post features educators I’m following on social media! Are you following The Smetz Files?!

Educator Edition

Since I had the idea of starting my blog I began following other successful bloggers to learn more, get inspired, and figure out the landscape of personal writing.

As a longtime educator, I have followed teachers and educational researchers on social media for years. Here are some of the accounts I’m following on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter):

If you’re on IG

Rock Star Readers

North Carolina friends, Rock Star Readers is an educator owned tutoring business in the Charlotte area. Not only do they tutor, but their IG page is filled with lots of great examples to help teachers and parents of young readers support literacy at home. Rock Star Readers hosts great, family friendly local events, so be sure to follow to stay up to date.


As a literacy educator this is a no brainer for me! ReadWorks feature lots of great articles across a variety of interests and reading levels, always a plus for classroom teachers and literacy specialists looking to engage students in reading and making sense of what they’re learning. You can also register for online professional development opportunities on their site.


If you’re in need of some levity, this is your guy! Mr. Williams posts a variety of reels that make you laugh at the all too familiar hilarity of it all. Imagining how captivating he is in a preschool classroom, must be magic!

Options for X (formerly Twitter)


Dr. Mercier is a science education professor at University of Wyoming. She does a lot of work with pre-service teachers, making experiential learning and science fun for students from elementary through graduate school. Bonus: she is one of my long time friends, co-teachers, mentors, and co-authors! 

I am always looking to connect with fellow teachers, education researchers, and those bringing some joy and humor to the difficult work of educating the next generation.

Who else should I be following? Tag me in your suggestions on IG and Twitter! @TheSmetzFiles

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