Looking Back: Five Questions to Reflect on the Year


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Last Updated on December 20, 2023 by The Smetz Files

In this post I explore five questions as you reflect on the year.

Do your memories on social media ever stop you in your tracks? I love looking at photos and remembering what we were doing on this day in years gone by. It reminds me time truly is a thief.

With the frenzied chaos of the holidays, it can feel like a stark contrast to stop and reflect in preparation for a new year. But, I find great solace in taking the time to reflect and refine. Here are five questions I’m reflecting on as I look ahead:

  • What were your favorite memories this year?
  • When did you feel most drained this year?
  • What are you most proud of this year?
  • What do you want to do differently in the new year?
  • What would you do again next year?

Here’s a short synopsis on how I’m answering these five reflection questions.

Favorite Memories

Some of my favorite memories this year were spent in the car with my kids. I know, it sounds crazy! We spend an inordinate amount of time in the car. School car rider line. Driving to practice. Traveling to tournaments. Driving to the beach.

Regardless of the reason we spend a lot of time together in the car. Now that the kids are older and more independent they frequently manage the playlist. They are adept at finding their favorite songs and talking knowledgeably about their favored artists.

Often I find myself listening and observing (and of course, driving!). I am amazed at the people they’ve become. I enjoy listening to their insights and hearing what is weighing on their minds. I am enamored with the way they talk about their interests. I am desperately trying to memorize every detail of their voice and expressions.

So, yeah, it seems insane, but some of my favorite memories of the year happened in the mundane moments in the car. What can I say, I’m trying to maximize the moments!

When I Felt Drained

We started the year drained and depleted. We had spent the last part of 2022 managing Jay’s aneurysm and getting him healthy again. It had been a holiday season we were eager to forget. The new year marked a fresh start, one we desperately needed. 

Even as Jay started to feel better and our outlook improved, I still felt tired and unsettled. I felt drained when I wasn’t active and neglected healthy eating habits. Shaking the fog of winter felt harder this year. I just felt bleh.

Knowing that I needed to make a conscious change and take better care of myself, I made some choices. Which leads me to…

What Made Me Proud

…I am most proud of my decision to prioritize my fitness. Knowing I needed to take better care of myself and actually doing it are two different things. This past year I started consistently working out. I paid better attention to eating clean. 

I feel the difference. I have more energy and feel better each day. Prioritizing my fitness has been motivating to me, but also a good model for my kids to establish healthy habits.

In the final three months of the year I earned my 100 workout badge from BODi! This is a huge personal accomplishment! I am proud of myself for making a commitment and taking it seriously. 

What Do You Want to Do Differently?

This is a tougher question for me to answer. In truth, I want to keep doing some of the things that I changed last year, such as working out and eating cleaner. In terms of doing things differently, I want to be more patient this year.

Being patient is difficult for me. I want to be more patient with the kids. But, I also want to be more patient with myself. Jay and I have always talked about goals as playing the long game and patiently working towards what we want to accomplish. This year, I want to adopt that philosophy with myself and how I approach things.

What Would You Do Again?

Finally, what would I do again from last year?

In a word, travel!

Jay and I took a trip together last year, just the two of us for the first time in a long time. Each night at dinner we debriefed our day. Ironically, the conversation frequently turned to what we thought the kids would like about our adventures that day. So, this year we’re taking the kids on a trip with us. 

We’ve been so busy growing our careers and raising our kids we hadn’t traveled much in recent years. Of course, the pandemic didn’t help either! Now we’re prioritizing time with the kids away from the day to day grind. We’ve got a few trips booked for the new year, so keep checking the blog to see where we go!

This past year brought some change for us. We started the year anxious for change and ready to start anew. The kids leveled up in their commitment to their sports and that brought changes for our family. I started blogging and committed to maintaining my health. I found personal growth opportunities in unexpected ways.

So, if change is on the horizon for you in the new year, I wish you patience. Patience to stop and enjoy the moment for what it is.

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