New Year Reset: Three Ways We’re Starting Fresh

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Last Updated on December 30, 2023 by The Smetz Files

Read three ways we’re resetting and starting fresh in the new year.

Did you overindulge over the holidays?

Did you stray from your disciplined routines?

Are you looking for a reset in the new year?

Great! Read three ways our family is resetting and starting fresh in the new year.

Dry January

You might be thinking the traditional abstaining from alcohol for the first month of the year when you read that heading. Yes, and! We’ll indulge a celebratory toast or imbibe occasionally, but in general we aren’t big drinkers in our house.

Dry January for us is scaling back the spending. While it’s impossible to not spend anything for a month, we use January as a reset. All the frivolous spending around the holidays can be intoxicating. It’s easy to say, “oh, it’s part of Christmas” and spend away.

We take the month to reset and refocus on our financial goals. Ask yourself these questions as part of your reset:

  1. Did we make smart financial decisions this past year?
  2. What do we want to accomplish in the year ahead?
  3. How can we make our goals possible?

Dry January, in the fiscal sense, is a great way to reevaluate needs and wants with the kids, too. So, grab a glass of water 😉 and start planning your financial goals for the year!


This feels like a natural post-holiday step towards a fresh start in the new year. All the gifts have been unwrapped and you’re thrilled with cool new toys. But one question. Where to put it all?

We use this opportunity to purge and declutter. Got a refreshed version of something you already have? Donate or toss the older one. Toys your kids no longer find appealing? Yep, find a kid who can use it or repurpose it.

I blogged about decluttering in preparation for the holidays, but a post holiday purge is pretty cathartic, too! It just feels good to start the year with everything in its place.

Decide What to Prioritize

Perhaps you’ve read about selecting a word for the year. Or, if you aren’t into new year resolutions, maybe you set intentions for the upcoming year. However you do it, decide on what you want to prioritize.

Time is short, so prioritize where you direct your attention.

I guess as we’ve aged, we’ve matured. At least I’d like to think so! Regardless, we’ve been more intentional with prioritizing how we spend our time. We know our family time with the kids is fleeting, so recently we’ve prioritized travel and experiences with them.

To each their own, but decide what you want to prioritize this year and get to it!

What are the ways you’re starting fresh this year? Let me know in the comments!

10 responses to “New Year Reset: Three Ways We’re Starting Fresh”

  1. In 2024, I need to reset by being intentional/prioritizing in planning. Of course, decluttering everything around me would help too! 🙂 Great post!

    • Me too! Though, I feel like I plan better once I’ve decluttered and cleared my space. Good luck, let me know how it goes!

  2. I try and do a physical declutter at least once every other month and a digital declutter monthly. It helps my mom brain so much! I love your ideas, I’m adding them to my arsenal!

    • I need to be better about digital decluttering…I usually don’t until I’m forced to due to lack of space! 🙂 Thanks for that suggestions!