Out With the Old, In With the New: Tips for Decluttering

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Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by The Smetz Files

This post includes one mom’s tips for decluttering for the holidays.

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Last weekend I heard S rummaging around in her room. After an hour or so, she came down for a snack. She proudly announced she’d been organizing her room in preparation for Christmas.

Apparently she’s convinced she’s on the nice list, because she wanted to make room for new gifts!

I laughed at her ingenuity, but mostly I admired her. I decided to take a page from her playbook and declutter a bit around the house, too. Here are a few tips for decluttering in preparation for the holidays and anytime!

Old Decorations

Decorating for the holidays is the perfect time to purge. That strand of lights that never works, toss them! The old decorations that no longer fit your style? Donate!

Each year when we get down the Christmas bins invariably there are decorations that have broken or fallen apart. It’s the perfect time to purge outdated and broken pieces you will no longer use.

This holiday purge motivates me to clean out other decor we have year round, too. Toss old candles. Retire hand towels that are past their prime. Donate books we’re no longer reading.

PS we use bins to organize all our seasonal decorations.

Junk Drawer

Does everyone have a junk drawer? We have a draw in the kitchen that stores all the random miscellaneous things we don’t know what to do with. With the holidays come an influx of new toys, gadgets, and games. Take time to declutter your junk drawer. Test batteries and toss the ones that no longer work. Check the various assortment of chargers you’re hoarding and discard the ones to gadgets you no longer have. Yep, I am guilty of keeping chargers, yet never having the one I need!

While you’re rummaging through that catchall drawer toss old mailers and expired coupons. Don’t forget to toss the pens that no longer write and markers that don’t have ink. Are you feeling relieved yet?!

Kid Spaces

This is the one that feels most cathartic to me! In preparation of the holidays, purge the broken toys. Think about puzzles and games with missing pieces. Toys with broken parts. Gifts from prior years your kids no longer enjoy or have simply outgrown. If they’re in good condition, donate them for another family to enjoy.

Do the same with their clothes. We tend to purge their closets and drawers throughout the year as they quickly outgrow things. Separate the pieces that are still in good condition and could be donated for another kid. Toss the damaged gear. Or repurpose it if you can. We keep old tee shirts for dusting cloths and to use in the garage to clean up spills.

I love these baskets for easy access to stuffed animals, squish mellows, etc…that they like to have handy, but don’t want cluttering up their space.

I find tackling these tasks throughout the year feels less overwhelming. However, when we decorate for the holidays I always feel compelled to spend time decluttering and reorganizing. It’s like an annual fresh start.

Comment with your favorite decluttering tips below!

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